
node.js + Express 3.x + session + cookie

It wasted me more than 6 hours to Google through the topic without reaching an answer. As I tried to write some examples in book "Node.js: Up and Running" in LiveScript, I bumped into this weird behaviour. Chrome v26 / Linux did not store my sessionID in the cookie, or more exactly, it stored but I couldn't retrieve it as I reload the page, resulting in that session is always regenerated. Interestingly, Firefox works properly, and so do Chrome v22/Linux and Chrome v29/Windows. I tried to write a small piece in both PHP and LiveScript. Cookie works. So the problem must be Express 3.x.
# For finding the root cause of 7-24 on Chrome 26

require! express

app = express!
app.use express.cookieParser!

app.get '/visit', (req, res) !->
        visit = parseInt req.cookies.visit or 0
        res.cookie 'visit', visit + 1
        res.send 'Visit #' + visit

app.get '/clear', (req, res) !->
        res.clearCookie 'visit'
        res.send 'Cookie cleared.'

app.listen 8001
I noticed that from Express 2.x to 3.x, the connect / anonymous function has been changed from (req, res) to (req, res, next). Nice bet, the answer is 42. Here's the code that works:
app.configure !->
        app.use express.cookieParser 'sign'
        app.use express.session {
                secret: 'secretKey'
                store: store
        app.use (req, res, next) !->
                sess = req.session
                # console.log "store = "
                # console.log store
                # console.log "sess.email = " + sess.email
                res.render 'socket.jade', {email: sess.email || 'noSessMail'}
                console.log "SessionID in Express = " + req.sessionID
                next and next!   # NOTICE THIS LINE
I don't know how to use express.cookieSession(), though. Not many examples are there. You can find the Git repository to my practice here.
